Dogs and parks
Dogs are allowed in many Council-administered reserves, but they must be on a lead (except for in designated off-lead areas) and under continuous control at all times.
All dog owners must remove their dog’s droppings from reserves and comply with all provisions of the Waitaki Dog Control Bylaw 2014(PDF, 1MB). This bylaw outlines how animal control and management across the district, and in particular where dogs can and can’t go on Council reserves.
Dogs are prohibited in some areas where there are high concentrations of people (for example, in neighbourhood sports fields and children's playgrounds) where dogs may pose a health and safety risk to members of the community. Some reserve areas also have important recreation or conservation values that need to be protected.
For maps showing where you can exercise your dog, on or off the lead, and where dogs are prohibited in Waitaki please go to our:
Dog walking and exercise areas maps
Areas where dogs are prohibited
Dogs are prohibited in the following parks, gardens and reserves:
- All sports fields - namely Centennial Park, Weston Park, King George Park, Awamoa Park West, Mill Domain, Kurow Domain;
- Kakanui Esplanade playground and protected wildlife area;
- Within 10 metres of a children’s playground equipment;
- Within 10 metres of identified regionally or nationally protected wildlife colonies; and
- In all relevant Council administered reserves during the lambing season.
Designated off-lead dog exercise areas on Waitaki reserves
- Berkeley Place Park (access off Meon St)
- Fenwick Park South
- Awamoa Park East
- Cape Wanbrow* (see restrictions for grazed areas above)
- Glen Eden Reserve*(see restrictions for access during lambing season above)
- Glen Warren Reserve* (see restrictions for access during lambing season above)
Kurow Railway Reserve
Sefton Place Reserve
Omarama Recreation Reserve (eastern end).