Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Road safety activities are co-ordinated and managed by our Road Safety Co-ordinator in collaboration with key stakeholders including the New Zealand Police, NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), ACC and other community groups.
Road Safety Co-ordinator works alongside roading engineers, NZ Police, local schools and interested community groups. The focus of road safety co-ordination is education and helping to shape the behaviour of road users. Please contact for our current road safety programmes and events.
The Waitaki District Council encourages road users to make sure that their cars are winter roadworthy by checking and following the below.
Here is what to look out for to stay safe when driving on the Waitaki District Council rural roads (floods, sunstrike, stray animals, speed limits).
The Waitaki District Council's contractor will monitor the road conditions when it snows and will keep the road conditions page updated for road users.
The Waitaki District Council is dedicated to Road Safety Education via programs which include Safe With Age, Waitaki Road Safe, SADD and Drive 2 Survive.
This page will provide you information on renewing your licence, local legends and courtesy vehicle campaign.
Roadwork and maintenance in Waitaki is managed by the Waitaki District Council. Find the road conditions and scheduled road work in the Waitaki district.