Consumers on the PALMERSTON, DUNBACK AND GOODWOOD Zones of the WAIHEMO WATER SUPPLY are asked to CONSERVE WATER over the 2024/25 summer period.
In This Section
District Plan Maps are part of the Waitaki District Plan (Part 5). The maps show the zone of each parcel of land. To learn more please go to current District Plan page.
Soil maps for LUC classes 1 -3 can be found at: NZLRI Land Use Capability 2021 - Informatics Team | | Environment and Land GIS | LRIS Portal (
Please note that these are in addition to the mapped High Class Soils in the District Plan and take effect from 17 October 2022.
Canterbury Maps provides a quick and handy way to access our different District planning zones. (To access the maps on the website: Map viewer -> layer list -> District Planning Zones).