Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Find out how Council works and view information about the Mayor and Councillors, Community Boards and Committees.
Have your say and help shape our place. We provide opportunities throughout the year for you to give feedback and participate in Council's decision-making processes.
Find out about Waitaki District Council, Committee and Community Board meetings, see our meetings calendar, and view minutes and agendas.
Find Council documents including plans, reports, strategy documents, forms and applications, policies and by-laws.
Find contact information, office hours, report issues, make an official information request to Waitaki District Council
How to be approved as a Waitaki District Council contractor, contractor requirements and registering for Sitewise health and safety
Council Controlled Organisations are Omarama Airfield, Tourism Waitaki, Waitaki District Health Services and Whitestone Contracting.
Waitaki District Council Property Group is responsible for managing Council’s commercial and administration buildings, community housing and venues, airport and landholdings.
Keep up to date with the current projects being undertaken by the Waitaki District Council.
Waitaki District Council local body elections allow you to choose a voice to represent you in the Council, Community Boards and the Oamaru Licensing Trust.
Get the latest news on what's happening in and around the Waitaki District Council, Public Notices, Waitaki News Letters and Waitaki District Council Events.
Job Vacancies at Waitaki District Council. Be part of a motivated, professional and customer-focused team.