Mayor and Councillors
The Mayor and 10 councillors constitute the governing body of Waitaki District. Local Body Elections are held every three years to elect the Mayor and Councillors. Elections are held under the Local Electoral Act 2001 and associated regulations.
The Waitaki District is divided into four wards that elect a total of 10 councillors (excluding the Mayor).
You can find their contact details below.
Waitaki District Council Code of Conduct 2022 – 2025(PDF, 516KB)
Waitaki District Council Standing Orders 2022 - 2025(PDF, 783KB)
Waitaki District Council Delegations Master Register 2019 – 2022(PDF, 1MB)
Summary Pecuniary Interest Register for WDC Elected Members 2025-2026(PDF, 140KB)
Sensitive Expenditure Policy for Elected Members 2021(PDF, 774KB)
Local Governance Statement 2019(PDF, 2MB)