Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
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Have your say and help shape our place. We provide opportunities throughout the year for you to give feedback and participate in Council's decision-making processes.
As part of the new By Law, we're trialing allowing dogs in the Oamaru CBD, North End Shops and on Harbour Street. We're running a survey for the community to tell us what they think about these changes, which Council will review in July 2025.
Waitaki’s Proposed District Plan is our first fully revised planning rulebook in more than 10 years. The plan deals with the major land-use and environmental issues facing the district. Public submissions on the Proposed District Plan are open 1 March 2025 to 9 May 2025.
Find out the outcome of recently closed community consultation here.
Council is proposing to issue a licence to graze part of Waihemo Recreation Reserve. Any person or organisation may support or object to the Council granting the licence or make submission with comments on the licence.
Public consultation on the projects and proposals in our Long Term Plan is now closed.
We review this policy every three years and we're consulting on a number of changes. Public consultation has now closed.
Use this online form to share your general feedback with us.