Public consultation on our 2025-34 Long Term Plan is open now until 4 March 2025. Find out what it's all about and how to get involved.
No longer on display. Expired on 31 August 2019, 12:00 AM
Public consultation on the District Plan Review Discussion Document closed on 16 August 2019. The Discussion document was a first look at what may be in the new District Plan. There were no maps or detailed rules because we’re still working on those. It looked at the big picture and asked you: Are we on the right track? Are these the key issues? Are we dealing with them the right way?
We had over 50 responses to the District Plan Review Discussion document online feedback form plus many others via email, post and in our public engagement meetings. We have been analysing your feedback and we are using it to help draft the new District Plan for Waitaki. A summary of the feedback we received can be found in the Waitaki 2030 District Plan Review Discussion Document Engagement Summary Report(PDF, 3MB) . We plan to release the draft District Plan in mid-2020 for another round of public consultation and feedback.