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29 June 2022, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback during our engagement process on our draft Annual Plan 2022/23. After considering feedback received, Councillors voted to adopt the Annual Plan 2022/23 at the Council Meeting held on 28 June 2022. We are all facing increases in costs of goods and services. The Long Term Plan 2021-31, which was agreed before the current inflationary pressures, projected a rate increase of 8.53%, part of this rise being a “catch up” from the zero rate increase two years ago which made the development of the Annual Plan together with budget and rate setting more challenging. Despite the increasing costs being imposed on Council, the Annual Plan 2022/23 supports investment in the infrastructure for the district and many projects with a lower than projected rate rise of 7.53%.
Our Annual Plan sets out what we plan to do, and shows you how much we expect it will cost, for the next 12 months. We're outlining some of the key issues and projects we'll be working on here.
The feedback period for our Annual Plan closed at 5pm, Wednesday 4 May 2022.
Annual Plan 2022/23 Engagement Document(PDF, 6MB)
A little bit of background
In the 2020/21 financial year, while we really needed to increase rates by at least 3.5%, COVID came along. This meant we needed to rethink our plans and achieve a zero rates increase to support our community through the unforeseen challenges of the pandemic.
While this was the right decision for our community at the time, rates pay for the services, facilities, and infrastructure we provide, so rates must increase as the costs of providing these services rise.
For the 2021/22 financial year, we increased rates by 7.69% in order to maintain services and to catch up on costs. This year (2022/23 financial year), We are proposing an increase in rates by 7.47% which is lower than the 8.53% increase projected for 2022/23 in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.
What do you need to know?
We have some new proposals for the Annual Plan, and other proposals you may have seen already in our Long Term Plan (LTP). If you have seen some of the proposals in this engagement document before, we may now be thinking about doing these earlier, or a little differently.
Have your say
Feedback has now closed.
Key dates
Engagement period opens |
13 April 2022 |
Community Drop-ins |
Thursday 21 April
@ the Palmerston Library from 3.30-5.30pm
Friday 22 April
@ the Kurow Information Centre from 3.30-5.30pm
Sunday 24 April
@ the Oamaru Farmers market from 9.30-12.30pm |
Engagement period closes |
4 May 2022 |
Council Hearings |
16 & 17 May 2022
Annual Plan adopted by Council |
28 June 2022 |
Annual Plan in effect |
from 1 July 2022 |