Consumers on the PALMERSTON, DUNBACK AND GOODWOOD Zones of the WAIHEMO WATER SUPPLY are asked to CONSERVE WATER over the 2024/25 summer period.
Introduction and general provisions of the Draft District Plan
Strategic Direction of the Draft District Plan
This section includes chapters on Energy, Infrastructure, Stormwater and Transport.
This section includes chapters on Contaminated Land, Hazardous Substances and Natural Hazards.
This section includes chapters on Historic Heritage, Notable Trees and Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori.
This section includes chapters on Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity, Natural Character, Natural Features and Landscapes, and Public Access.
Read the chapter on Subdivision.
This section includes chapters on general district wide matters such as Noise, Signs, Light, Earthworks, Papakāika, Activities on the Surface of Water and our Coastal Environment.
This section contains information on zones - general residential zones, town centre zones, general rural zone, mixed use zones and more
This section includes the Oamaru Harbour Precinct chapter.
Appendices and schedules of the Draft District Plan
Information on designations.
Supplementary documents for the Draft District Plan