Design Guidelines
These Design Guidelines have been developed as a tool to help enhance and provides ideas and tips to help the community, property developers, builders and architects achieve high quality amenable housing and design in the designated areas.
Draft Medium Density Residential Design Guidelines
Building more houses in existing neighbourhoods to meet Waitaki’s future housing demand is a key goal of the Draft Ōamaru, Weston and Kakanui Spatial Plan, Draft Waitaki District Plan and National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020. The Waitaki Medium Density Residential Design Guidelines (“the Guidelines”) provides ideas and tips to help the community, property developers, builders and architects achieve high quality, amenable housing options in support of this goal and to meet the intent of the Draft Waitaki District Plan
Draft Town Centre Design Guidelines
Ōamaru’s town centre, nationally recognised as Oamaru Historic Area, has special historic and architectural significance. The Harbour Precinct recognises the visual character of Oamaru’s historic harbour and surrounds. Any new building or addition to an existing building within the town centre, the harbour area, or close to it should be designed to respect and address the heritage values of our town
The Guidelines describe what we consider good design outcomes for new development, outcomes that will ensure the town centre remains vibrant and successful — whether that development be a new building or an addition to an existing building. Such development should appropriately relate to the street and to other public spaces to promote vitality and visual interest. Good design will enhance the town. Buildings that are insensitively designed (in their form, scale, materials, or architectural qualities) could degrade our heritage townscape. These guidelines are consistent with the objectives and policies set out in the District Plan. Please note: the Waitaki District Plan, as a statutory document prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991, overrides the Guidelines where there is any conflict