Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
The Ōamaru library will be closed this Saturday 15 March as the staff will be down helping at the Ōamaru Friendly Bay Family Fun Day
Watch videos or listen to the podcasts below to learn more about the key proposed changes in the Waitaki Draft District Plan and how they may impact you.
In this video, we’ll look at how the Draft District Plan MAY change things for homes and businesses in the towns around our district.
Listen to the Podcast
Watch the video
In this video, we’ll look at how the Draft District Plan MAY change things for households and businesses in the rural areas.
Watch the Video
In this video, we’ll look at how the Draft District Plan MAY change our community life in Waitaki.
The video explains environment issues from the Draft District Plan - landscapes and significant natural features, earthworks, native plants and animals and more.