Public consultation on our 2025-34 Long Term Plan is open now until 4 March 2025. Find out what it's all about and how to get involved.
Updated December 2023
The District Plan Review Subcommittee continue to work through and consider all feedback received on the Draft District Plan, making their recommendations for changes to be made before a Proposed District Plan is publicly notified for consultation.
The next step will be for Council to consider the recommendations made by the District Plan Review Subcommittee and to approve the notification of the Proposed District Plan. This is anticipated to happen in early 2024.
Once the Proposed District Plan is publicly notified, everyone will have an opportunity to make a formal submission on the plan and for that submission to be later heard by a Hearings Panel.
In the meantime, you can find out what changes are being recommended by the District Plan Review Subcommittee by clicking on the links below to watch replays of the meetings and access the agenda reports.
Note: The agenda reports contain updated versions of the district plan chapters and mapping. These are still subject to further changes being made before the plan is publicly notified as a result of Subcommittee recommendations, final formatting, integration corrections and final Council approval.
Once the Proposed District Plan is approved for public notification, it will be released on the WDC website and submissions will be able to be made online or on paper.