The Proposed District Plan includes certain rules that have immediate legal effect, meaning they apply now and may require resource consent for activities that didn't need it under the Operative District Plan. The Council will decide how much weight to give to each plan's provisions based on their progress in the plan-making process.
Submissions on these rules can still be made, and hearings will follow if requested. These rules will remain in effect until decisions are made through consultation and any changes are finalized.
Rules with immediate legal effect are marked with an orange gavel symbol. Key rules effective from March 1 2025, include those related to stormwater, historic heritage, notable trees, sites of significance to Māori, ecosystems and biodiversity, natural character, and activities on the surface of water. Additionally, the Environment Court has ordered that certain rules related to outstanding natural features and landscapes also have immediate legal effect.
For more details please click on the link: Rules with Immediate Legal Effect(PDF, 60KB)