How to make a submission

You can make your submission on any part of the Proposed District Plan – whether you are wanting to oppose something, register your support or make a
recommendation for an amendment to any of the provisions or mapping in the proposed plan.

Watch the video below for instructions on how to make a submission through the ePlan or download pdf instructions(PDF, 1MB).


Friend of the Submitter

If you’d like help with making a submission, a Friend of the Submitter can assist you. They’re an independent advisor who can explain the process and help you share your views. They are there to be neutral and won’t influence your submission in any way. To access this free and fully independent service please email

Paper Submissions

If you do not want to use the online submissions tool, written submissions will only be accepted if they are made using a Form 5(PDF, 136KB), (as required by the Resource Management Act 1991). You can get this form from Council offices and district libraries. If you're not submitting online, you can submit your Form 5 by:

  • Email: (subject line: Proposed District Plan Submission) 
  • Post: Planning Unit, Waitaki District Council, Private Bag 50058, Ōamaru, 9444 
  • In person: Drop off your Form 5 at Council offices in Ōamaru and Palmerston