What's Coming Up In 2022

Published on 23 February 2022


2022 is promising to be another big year for the District Plan Review. In preparation, we have expanded the team by adding an experienced Communications Specialist to the mix. The team is also currently busy with:  

  1. Working through all the feedback from the landowner engagement process  
  2. Finishing off all the draft objectives, policies and rules which will be released alongside the draft mapping in winter this year for informal community feedback.    

Once the draft District Plan is released for feedback, this will be an opportunity for the community to share your thoughts around how Council is looking at implementing the Spatial Plan vision and outcomes, along with other planning and environmental issues such as:  

  • Enabling housing growth  
  • Creating more choices and affordability within the District  
  • Protecting what is important within our District  
  • Responding to climate change  
  • Managing the risk of natural hazards throughout the Waitaki District.  

The draft District Plan will also provide another informal opportunity for landowners to give us their feedback on the draft mapping, overlays and zones affecting their land.

Where Are We At?

DPR progress.jpg

Next Steps

  • Council will release a draft District Plan for community feedback
  • Council will analyse and consider the feedback received on the draft District Plan and amend the Plan where appropriate. 
  • Prepare to notify the public about the Proposed District Plan  

The Proposed District Plan is a formal consultation process under the Resource Management Act involving public submissions, hearings, decisions, and an appeal process, if required. It is likely that a Proposed District Plan will not be formally notified until 2023.  

Important to Note: Please remember that the release of the Draft District Plan is an informal process and none of the rules or mapping have any legal effect. It is a really great opportunity for everyone to tell us their thoughts on what Council is looking to change about the way we manage land use, subdivision, and development in the district.  


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