Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Waitaki District Council's Annual Plan outlines the Council's works and projects over the coming financial year.
Waitaki District Council's Annual Report compares the Council's performance for the year against the forecast in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan.
The Long Term Plan (LTP) for Waitaki District Council sets the Council's direction for the next ten years in terms of services, projects and costs.
The Waitaki District Plan sets out the provisions that govern the way land can be used in Waitaki.
The Masterplan supports long-term revitalisation and development of Central Ōamaru over the next 30 years with a focus on improved connectivity and wayfinding.
The Spatial Plan will be a guiding document for growth and development within these areas over the next 30 years.
The annual Waitaki residents survey to measure satisfaction of Council services such as water, roading and libraries.
Find other plans and annual reports of Council and Council Controlled Organisations
Waitaki District Council's strategies including strategies for recreation, culture and heritage, economic development, customer excellence, finance, infrastructure, tourism and biodiversity