Annual Plans
In each of the two years between Long Term Plans we produce an Annual Plan. The Annual Plan takes a fresh look at the budgets and work programme that we planned for the year, according to the Long Term Plan, and considers whether adjustments are needed.
This year we were due to develop our 10-year budget and delivery plan (2024-34 LTP) by 30 June 2024, but instead, we’ve produced a one-year budget and delivery plan – our 2024-25 Enhanced Annual Plan.
It was agreed by Council on 27 February 2024 to defer the 2024-34 LTP by 12 months and prepare an ‘Enhanced’ Annual Plan for 2024-25, in line with the options provided to councils as part of the repeal of the Affordable Water Reform / Water Services Acts Repeal Act 2024.
This means that the 2021-31 LTP will remain in effect until 30 June 2025, and at that time we will adopt a 9-year (2025-2034) budget.
2024-25 Enhanced Annual Plan
The 2024-25 Enhanced Annual Plan was adopted by Council on 25 June 2024.
An Enhanced Annual Plan includes additional information to what would normally be included in a typical Annual Plan. This includes outlining our groups of activities in full, how our activities contribute to the four community wellbeings and our community outcomes, outlining any significant negative effects our activities may have on any of the four community wellbeings, and providing information on the amount of capital expenditure budgeted to improve levels of service or replace existing assets.
Financial policies can be found in the 2021-31 Long Term Plan.
Previous Annual Plans
- 2024-25 Enhanced Annual Plan(PDF, 8MB)
- Annual Plan 2023/24(PDF, 7MB)
- Annual Plan 2022/23(PDF, 15MB)
- Annual Plan 2020/21(PDF, 9MB)
- Annual Plan 2019/20(PDF, 8MB)
- Annual Plan 2017/18(PDF, 1MB)
- Annual Plan 2016/17(PDF, 2MB)
- Annual Plan 2014/15(PDF, 2MB)
- Annual Plan 2013/14(PDF, 799KB)
- Annual Plan 2011/12(PDF, 2MB)
For Annual Plan editions earlier than those shown below please contact us.