Spatial Plan background
What is a Spatial Plan?
A Spatial Plan is a strategic blueprint document that sets out where and how we should grow and develop over the next 30+ years. It identifies actions for how growth should occur in an integrated and holistic way. It outlines a vision and broad set of principles, strategic directions, and actions and will visually illustrate how Ōamaru, Weston and Kakanui may develop in the future.
A Spatial Plan will help to shape Ōamaru, Weston and Kakanui over the long term and identify:
- Existing and future urban areas;
- Existing and future infrastructure needs including three waters and transport;
- Priority areas for investment and action;
- Areas to protect and enhance such as heritage, cultural and natural environment values;
- Areas subject to natural hazards and other constraints such as highly productive land and the coastal environment; and
- Other strategically significant priorities.
Why do Oamaru, Weston and Kakanui need a Spatial Plan?
Ōamaru, Weston and Kakanui have begun to experience change in recent years associated with growth. The combined population of these towns is forecast to grow by an additional 2,200 people by 2031 with a further 4,950 by 2051 under a high growth scenario.
How will this Plan be used?
The Spatial Plan will be used to guide land-use planning in Ōamaru, Weston and Kakanui as well as influencing how future infrastructure services may be provided or limited. It will assist with guiding decisions and investment across local, regional and central government to ensure we’re delivering the best future for our community and the generations that will follow.
How was the Spatial Plan prepared?
The Spatial Plan was prepared collaboratively with the Council, mana whenua, stakeholders and the community. Meaningful and ongoing participation from councillors, council officers, mana whenua, stakeholders, and community members was critical to developing the vision, guiding principles, spatial moves and actions that are set out in the document.
The Spatial Plan was available for community and stakeholder feedback during late 2021. This feedback was used to inform further changes to the Spatial Plan. The final Spatial Plan was formally adopted by Council on 10 May 2022.
Click here to view the feedback report.