Alps2Ocean Cycle Trail Council is proposing to set aside funding each year to pay for there placement of structures on the Waitaki section of the trail such as bridges, fencing, cattle stops, toilets, signs and gates.
Cape Wanbrow revegetation project This page provides information about the Cape Wanbrow revegetation project.
Cultural Facilities Development - Forrester Gallery Stage 2 Information on the stage 2 of the Forrester Gallery development
Duntroon improvement works Information on the plans to partially demolish the old public toilets and install new ones and safety improvement works along Campbell Street (SH83).
Earthquake Prone Buildings - Strengthening Provision of incentives for some building owners to strengthen earthquake prone buildings. Two other proposals relate to preparatory work and resources to record and manage earthquake prone buildings and assessment.
Holmes Wharf Part of the Holmes Wharf deck was replaced two years ago. The remainder of the deck has deteriorated to such an extent that we need to consider what can be done.
Kakanui Watermain Upgrades Upgrade of watermains (including duplication of rising main) to provide on-demand supply to consumers and fire-fighting capacity.
Kurow water supply network renewal works In Feb 2023, Whitestone Contracting Limited will be doing some renewal works on the Kurow water supply network - including the replacement of valves, hydrants and pipes.
Lake Ohau Alpine village water supply upgrade Find information for Lake Ohau Alpine Village residents and ratepayers on the village’s upcoming water supply upgrade. Announcement :