This graph was in our Annual Plan Consultation Document and the Enhanced Annual Plan 2024 – 25.
We know this is not a good graph. It shows Council borrowing more money than we can afford in the next five years. But doing things the way we have traditionally done them, means we will need to spend this much to deliver what the Government says we must deliver and what our communities need.
Some of Council’s assets are very old and need to be replaced in the next ten years. Some parts of our water system need to be upgraded or replaced to meet the higher standards the Government wants. These are very expensive projects, but we cannot just put them off. Spending money now, and paying back loans over a long time, means that the people who use the things now won’t be paying for all of it.
Instead, everyone who uses the assets pays a share of its cost, over time. For example, if new water pipes last 50 years, by using loans, everyone who uses those pipes over 50 years will pay their share of the cost and it will not all have to be paid by ratepayers who use it at the time it needs replacing.
Council has said the money model for local Government is broken, these graphs show how broken. We and other councils in New Zealand are urging the Government to change the way local government is funded, so that we can pay for the things we need to pay for, so that it is fair and so we can get a better deal for our Ratepayers.
This graph shows how much the Rates will go up for the Waitaki District in the next ten years, if we carry on doing things the way we have traditionally done them.
Rates make up around 55% of Council’s income, with the rest coming from Government Subsidies and Grants, Fees and Charges and Finance Revenue (such as interest from lending money to other organisations). The current Government have said they will only give money to Councils as a ‘last resort’, which makes it harder for us to get income as a Council.
With the money Council must spend on things, that means rates go up to be able to afford it.