Enrolling and voting
Vote to have your say
Council and Community Boards have a critical role to play in supporting the resilience and prosperity of all our people, whānau and communities. Making good local decisions matter. Get involved in shaping your community!
Enrol, check or update your voting details
If you’re on the electoral roll, you can vote in the local elections where you live.
You can enrol if you’re 18 or older, a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and have lived in New Zealand for more than one year continuously at some time in your life.
Enrol or update your details
Local Government Elections
Voting in the 2022 Local Government Elections closed at 12 noon on 8 October 2022.
Local Government elections are held by postal voting.
Voting from overseas
If you are overseas during the entire voting period and would like to vote, please see the instructions in the elections website.