Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Waitaki District Council manages a number of back-to-basics camping grounds and facilities around the district. There are also lovely spots where Responsible Freedom Camping is allowed, plus areas where it is prohibited. See below for more information.
Council offers six affordable, sunny and sheltered kiwi-style camping grounds in the beautiful Waitaki Lakes area.
Waitaki Council provides boat ramps at the following camping grounds, Parsons Rock, Boat Harbour, Loch Laird, Sailors Cutting, and Falstone Creek.
A payment portal for day launch tickets
There are Council managed camping sites and facilities at the Duntroon Domain and Dunback Domain camping grounds.
We want everyone to enjoy their time at our camping grounds. Please keep in mind our simple guidelines.