From Monday 3 March, 2025, accessing Waitaki District Council services will be easier and more convenient than ever, right in the Ōamaru Library!
We have a range of free memberships for Waitaki district residents and ratepayers. We also provide free membership for Waimate and Dunedin residents. If you are a visitor to the Waitaki district for up to six months, you are eligible for a holiday borrower membership.
For everything else pleases take a look at our information boxes below.
It's free to join Waitaki District Libraries. By joining you can access all of our physical and online collections.
Learn more about who we are and what we do.
Waitaki District library fees - book rentals fees, book hire charges, library costs, library fees, replacement library card costs.
Waitaki Distrcit Libraries' Copyright Policy
Waitaki District Libraries are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.