Copyright Policy
Guidelines on New Zealand Copyright Law
The following guidelines come from the PDF formatted Copyright Licensing New Zealand.
- Users in a public library or document centre open to the public are allowed to make copies using a self-serve photocopier or scanner.
- Public library employees are allowed to make copies to manage and maintain their collections or for interlibrary (Interloan) lending.
- There is no time limit on the use of digital reproductions given to people who request them through interlibrary (Interloan) lending.
- Reproduction limits up to 10% of a document but also an entire article; entire report of a legal case; entire lyrics to a song; a chapter that is not more than 20% of the pages in a book.
- If you want to exceed the reproduction limits, you will need to seek permission.
- LIANZA (Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa) has published a PDF formatted Q&A discussion by Tony Millet.
- You can also view The Copyright Act 1994 online.