Treaty Education | Te tiriti o Waitangi Mātauranga
All staff at the Ōamaru Public Library apply Te Tiriti in our day-to-day work, and we have many resources both online and in the library to help us understand what honouring Te Tiriti means in practice. We would like to share these resources with you as you go on your own journey of understanding.
Image: Te Waka a Maui and Te Ika a Maui with Te Pungo o te Waka (How the Land was Shaped)
Personal Commitment - suggestions to help you on your journey
- Investigate the history of your ancestors and people. Learning about your own culture gives you an appreciation for others.
- Learn what it means to be Tangata Tiriti - you have the opportunity to shift and create/reclaim what Pākehā might be - a diverse people with a rich history and culture that share a relationship with Māori; a people defined by living in Aotearoa and relating to Māori, not by being in opposition to Māori.
- Watch the Radio New Zealand documentary series, Land of the Long White Cloud This documentary series tells the stories of non-Māori New Zealanders confronting their colonial past and present, 250 years after Cook’s arrival.
- Tackle racism with the right tools. Take a look at this free course over at Tauiwi Tautoko.
- Have a conversation with those around you - this can help create a groundswell of understanding and knowledge.
- Read broadly and from all perspectives. We've put together a list of books and online articles further down this page.
- Te Arawhiti - the office for Māori Crown relations, details six focus areas and five specialist competencies to support individuals to develop their own set of Māori Crown relations capability: Maori-Crown-Relations-Capability-Framework-Individual-Capability-Component.pdf(PDF, 417KB)
Guiding Principles for Organisations
Waitaki District Libraries (WDL) has a strong commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi as agreed to by Māori and the British Crown in 1840. We believe in leading by example, so we have created our own document, Haea Te Ata - Dawning of a New Day, as well as connecting you to a host of resources and readings on our website.
WDL acknowledges that Te Tiriti o Waitangi sets out the relationship between hapū and the Crown, providing a place for all to belong and live here as Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti.
The foundation of our own bi-cultural commitment rests on four key values that define the intent of the Waitaki District Libraries' operations:
- Manaakitanga – Caring for one another - the place we work, the people we work with, work for and the things we use. Manaakitanga is the key to excellent service delivery through respect, generosity and care. It ties people together to create a sense of community.
- Whanaungatanga – We are connected to one another - we work together, respect and support one another, and establish strong connections with our community. Collaboration, partnerships, co-operation and support - how we work with one another are all aspects of Whanaungatanga.
- Kaitiakitanga – Particular responsibilities as guardians of knowledge - to protect and preserve resources, library taonga, customers and those we work with.
- Māramatanga – Knowing and understanding our resources - maintaining and growing our professional knowledge so we can impart this to our community. Through māramatanga, we are able to provide excellent service delivery.
If your organisation is ready to start identifying ways in which it can commit to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the website Groundwork has some really great ideas on how to do this.
You can also work with the following document - Māori Crown Relations Capability Framework, which details six organisational capability areas, such as governance, relationships with Māori and workforce capability: TA013.04-MCR-capability-OCC.pdf(PDF, 351KB)
What's Happening Nationwide
Resources | Rauemi

Ngāi Tahu
Te Kerēme and Settlement Workshops Te Kerēme and Settlement Workshops - Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (
Information from Ngāi Tahu about the Ngāi Tahu Claim Settlement Act, 29.9.1998 Ngāi Tahu Claim Settlement Act, 29 September 1998 - Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (
The Treaty Resource Centre education resources Educational resources | Treaty Resource Centre – He Puna Mātauranga o Te Tiriti (
The National Library resource with learning activities Te Tiriti o Waitangi — from its creation to now | He Tohu (
Crown/Māori Relationships
He Tohu - National Library Exhibition of 3 Documents
Kupu o te Ra | Word of the Day
Māori Dictionary
National Library School Services resources on te Tiriti o Waitangi
Network Waitangi Ōtautahi
The New Zealand Wars Collection
Tauiwi Tautoko (Challenging Anti-Maori Racism)
Waitangi Tribunal (The Crown's perspective)
What's Required from Tangata Tiriti (non-Māori)
Pathway of the Birds by Andrew Crowe (2018)
Imagining Decolonisation by Bianca Elkington, et al; (2020)
A Long Time Coming: the story of Ngāi Tahu's treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown by Martin Fisher (2020)
The New Zealand Project by Max Harris (2017)
Tuai: a traveller in two worlds by Alison Jones & Kuni Kaa Jenkins (2017)
Words between us - He kōrero: first Māori-Pakeha conversations on paper by Alsion Jones (2011)
This Pākehā Life: An Unsettled Memoir by Alison Jones (2020)
The New Zealand Wars by Vincent O'Malley (2015)
A Constitution for Aotearoa New Zealand by Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler (2016)
Tears of Rangi by Anne Salmond (2017)
The New Zealand Project by Max Harris (2017)