News from Palmerston June 2024

Published on 23 May 2024


Book Chat Please join us on the first Tuesday of each month; the next will be Tuesday 4 June 11am to 12pm, followed by a cuppa. Come and discuss books people have found new and enjoyable.

Children’s Storytime and Music for the Under 5s Bring your under 5s along on Tuesday 11 June for a fun and noisy half hour session with our Youth Services Librarian from 10.30am.

Mahjong and Scrabble keen players welcome to play every 2nd Tuesday from 1pm (next: 11 and 25 June). Followed by a cuppa. Great for the colder months.

Happy Hands Embroiderers and stitchers meet in the library every 4th Wednesday (next 26 June) at 10am and in the Community Hall every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Cuppa provided.

Children’s Lego Club For ages 7 and up. Wednesdays 3.00pm-4.30pm

During school holidays, Wednesdays 10am-12pm but please ask if you’d like the Lego out and we’ll happily oblige.

New Children’s Books We’ve recently shelved a plethora of new children’s books. Come and check them out.

View our fortnightly changing display Currently displaying books which have recently come off the Adult Rental Fiction collection and also our Memory Care Collection; aimed at carers of and people with memory loss (eg Dementia, Alzheimers or brain injury). If you know of anyone in this position, please do come in and view the thoughtful collection.

Selection of DVDs on the shelves. Free to borrow on Free Film Fridays.

Upcoming Events:

Heart Checks will next be held on Tuesday 20 August from 11am to 12pm.

A Poetry Reading to be held on Tuesday 30 July at 11am

The Palmerston Library will be closed on:

Monday 3 June for King’s Birthday and

Friday 28 June for Matariki


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