Large Print and Audio Book Collection



Large print titles are in constant demand,  We have a wide range of titles in both fiction and non-fiction, and new titles are regularly added.  We have made efforts to access local content from NZ and Australia. 

We also have revolving collections between six South Island libraries, labelled CIRCOS on their top edge. We use spine labels on our books to indicate some genres, including: mysteries, thrillers, westerns, romance, short stories, New Zealand, science fiction and fantasy. Large print titles are often published at the same time as their normal print size counterparts. Titles are published in both soft and hardcover editions. The Non-Fiction collection includes a large reminiscence series of animal stories, war history, biographies and autobiographies, practical books (from cooking to computers), self- help and sports.


We have a wide range of free CD audio book titles in both fiction and non-fiction, and new titles are regularly added.  

C-Pen Reader

We currently stock a C-Pen Reader.  This pen helps those with impaired vision read normal print text. It can also help people to read and assist those who have dyslexia.  Please ask at our Ōamaru Library Help Desk to find out more about this pen or to borrow it.