Puzzle Club, Mah Jong and Scrabble
Scrabble and Jigsaws @ Ōamaru Library
Love to do jigsaw puzzles and want to meet others? Come to our central Help Desk at the Oamaru Library, and indulge your passion in puzzling.
Every Friday from 10am-1pm.

Like to play Scrabble? We play basic scrabble in an easy-going informal friendly group, so please come along and have a go. Every Tuesday 1 pm - 3 pm at the Oamaru Library starting January Tuesday 11th.
Scrabble and Mah Jong @ Palmerston
Mah Jong and Scrabble
Join us for a friendly game of Mah Jong or Scrabble every second Tuesday of the month –– all players and levels welcome. Next games will be Tuesday 12 and 26 September at 10.30am.