Fluoride in to the Ōamaru Water Supply Announced

Published on 27 July 2022


Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield has made a direction to the Waitaki District Council under the Health Act under section 116E to add fluoride to the Ōamaru water supply. Waitaki District Council welcomes the decision with fluoridation proven in its effectiveness to prevent tooth decay.

Data for children aged 0-12 in the SDHB from 2022 show that 32% of children had experienced tooth decay by age five. Māori and Pacific children have significantly worse outcomes with 46% of Māori children experiencing decay by aged 5. The 2017-2020 NZ Health Survey showed that 47.6% of those 15+ in the SDHB had one or more teeth removed in their lifetime due to decay, an abscess, infection, or gum disease.

Dr Bloomfields decision was made while considering scientific evidence including Water fluoridation to prevent tooth decay (Cochrane Collaboration 2015), Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence (PMCSA and Royal Society Te Apārangi 2014) and Fluoridation: An update on evidence (PMCSA 2021).

In accordance with the Act, The Waitaki District Council is required to ensure the Ōamaru supply is fluoridating at the optimal levels by 30th June 2024 before the water services are due to transfer in July 2024 under the current Governments plan.

The cost is about $370,000 for the introduction of fluoridation for the Ōamaru supply, and this is estimated to benefit over 15,000 people. Waitaki is one of fourteen local authorities who have been directed fluoridate their water supplies and are invited to apply for funding through Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) for capital projects associated with these works prior to the end of 2022.



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