Neighbourhood Support Signage
Published on 05 April 2023
Waitaki District Council is supporting Neighbourhood Supports nationwide community led movement to bring people and neighbourhoods together to create safe, resilient, and connected communities.
Waitaki District Council, Network Waitaki Ltd. and Waitaki Neighbourhood Support have been collaborating to upgrade signage on local streets.
Neighbourhood Support helps equip neighbourhoods to improve safety, connectedness and get prepared for emergencies and it is important now more than ever to be ready for unexpected challenges.
Waitaki District Council Engineering Officer Arpit Vermani said, “We understand a safe, connected, and friendly community is more important than ever. Council is thrilled to collaborate with Network Waitaki and Waitaki Neighbourhood Support and back this initiative.”
The first set of signs went up in early March on Tees Street with more going up across the region in the coming weeks and months. Mr Vermani said, “This project and collaboration will continue until we have updated all the signage and we look forward to working with Neighbourhood Support and Network Waitaki on this further.”
Waitaki District Council has supported by funding the signage and will maintain these and Network Waitaki Ltd has been contracted to install the signage on the poles owned by the latter.
Waitaki Neighbourhood Support Coordinator Christine Dorsey said, “It’s wonderful to work in collaboration and have so much support with both organisations.”
Network Waitaki Ltd said “We are thrilled to be able to come together to support this cause of creating safe, resilient and connected communities as they have been doing throughout the rest of New Zealand.”