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Published on 31 August 2023
Work has ramped up in recent weeks at the site of the new Omarama Water Treatment Plant and all going well, things are looking good for scheduled completion in mid-December.
While the weather has been a challenge for our contractors at times, with some very cold overnight temperatures, they are making are making excellent progress. The new plant and supporting infrastructure has been designed to supply water that meets the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards and caters for future growth.
The building, which is starting to take shape, is being constructed to withstand severe earthquakes and the final design will also be sympathetic to the surrounding area. Three of the water bores have now had new pumps installed – as well as pump risers, meters and other equipment to ensure they function well for years to come.
A key feature of the upgrade is ensuring the supply is more resilient to events like flooding, which is why Council purchased a block of land adjacent to the current treatment plant site to house the new plant and supporting infrastructure. This land sits outside the flood-prone area and will also provide better access for operators and contractors.
To help reduce flood risk in the wider area as part of this project, Council staff have also been working with Environment Canterbury and neighbours. As a result, excess soil from the treatment plant site is being used for bunding work to help prevent flooding.
On this note, we’d like to say a big thanks to the site’s neighbouring landowners, who have been very accommodating during all phases of the project – including helping with site preparation.
We’d also like to thank our contractors: