Omarama Water Supply upgrade progress update

Published on 19 August 2022

Omarama view

Over the past several months, work has been progressing in the background on upgrading Omarama’s water supply to meet the new Drinking Water Standards. The upgrade is also a chance to ensure the supply is more resilient to events like flooding – which is particularly relevant at this time. 

With this in mind, Council purchased a block of land adjacent to the current treatment plant site to house the new plant and supporting infrastructure. This land sits outside the flood-prone area and will also provide better access for our plant operators and other contractors. 

Land use and water take consents have now been obtained, and design work completed for the plant pipework and equipment, bores, electrical systems and treatment plant building. One of the key elements of the building design is ensuring it fits in well with the local environment. 

Council will shortly be tendering for the civil and electrical works, and all going to plan, the new plant will be ready to operate before June next year.