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Published on 06 March 2025
On Saturday March 1, the Waitaki District Council’s Proposed District Plan opened for submissions. This process is a requirement under the Resource Management Act and invites all interested parties to make a submission on any part of the Proposed District Plan.
Suggestions for changes to wording, replacing text and descriptions, and alterations to mapping overlays can all be made in submissions. Council’s ePlan for the Proposed District Plan allows the community to make submissions online.
Using the ePlan submissions tool users can make a submission about the text of the Proposed District Plan, about a specific property using the mapping tool, or about layers, or zones also using the mapping tool. Users can also create an account, allowing them to save their submissions, return to them later or add to them.
There are videos explaining how the ePlan works on Council’s website.
Council is also offering a free and independent Friend of the Submitter, who will be able to support those wishing to make a submission. The Friend of the Submitter is an independent planner (not a Council Officer) and will offer guidance to ensure all submissions meet the submissions requirement outlined in the Resource Management Act.
More information on the Friend of the Submitter can be found on Council’s Proposed District Plan page or by calling 03 434 0537.
The period for making submissions runs from 1 March until 9 May.