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Published on 09 December 2024
Earlier this year Council removed 67,000 tonne of historic landfill and flytipped waste from three sites: 48,000 tonne from the former Hampden Landfill, and 19,000 tonne two sites on Beach Road. At Beach Road contractors found more waste than expected. Aerial photos show both sites at around high-tide, with water lapping at the toe of each site and the cliff degradation either side.
Both the Hampden and Beach Road sites were within 10 metres of the high-tide line during calm conditions. By removing the waste now, Waitaki avoid the problems other Districts have had with storm events pulling coastal landfills onto beaches and into the ocean.
This waste has now been removed to a secure landfill cell 8km from the coastline. When work started in August, Council said that re-opening Beach Road depended on the progress of excavation and the remediation work needed after that.
When the road was severed in two places by excavation, and the cost of rerouting became clear, Council opted to close the road and conduct a consultation with the community about re-routing options, and the ongoing cost of protecting the road from coastal erosion.
Council will be consulting the community about the options and costs of rerouting and coastal protection required for Beach Road in early-2025 as part of the Long-Term Plan.
There is a full cost breakdown of the project here:
More on Project Reclaim: