Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Published on 17 June 2024
Excavation works to remove historic waste from sites in Hampden started on 17 June and will last around 12 weeks.
Fulton Hogan are forecasting a truck movement, either in or out of Stafford Street, every 15 minutes from 8am – 5pm, five days per week, as they excavate approximately 32,000 tonnes of old waste and transport it to the prepared landfill site in Palmerston.
Trucks will enter and exit off Stafford St and will be in two way radio contact ensuring one truck only on the street.
Stafford St will be closed just east of the railway line where Fulton Hogan are installing a temporary weigh bridge.
They will set up a grizzly screen to filter the waste through to capture any larger items that may be recyclable.
The same level of truck movements will be experienced in Palmerston coming off SH1, east into Goodwood Rd then turning up Falcon St to access the landfill.
Falcon St and Stafford St residents have been informed of the truck movements. We thank all residents and people passing through affected areas for their patience and cooperation as we carry out this vital work.