Council Meeting update - 28 June 2022
Published on 28 June 2022
Our CE Alex Parmley provides an update on the proceedings of the Council Meeting of 28 June:
Kia ora,
Today was the last meeting of Council within the financial year and Elected Members had a substantial agenda with some big issues to get through:
Corriedale Water Schemes Management
Council owns the four Corriedale Water schemes (Awamoko, Kauru Hill, Tokarahi and Windsor) but they are operated by a Corriedale Water Management Ltd (CWML) , a group drawn from the local community reflecting the history of the schemes which were developed by the community with support of the Council. Things are changing rapidly in the water space with reforms and higher standards which are impacting all schemes. As owner of the scheme, Council holds responsibility for water quality, safety and meeting the new standards. Council is keen as part of the Future for Local Government reform agenda to support the empowerment of communities and today agreed to support the principle of transferring smaller rural water supplies to community ownership and operation if made possible, rather than them going to the new water entity. For the Corriedale schemes they agreed to a shared management between Council and CWML with a view to laying a path for community ownership and operation of the schemes should this be legally possible and provided this is supported by the users of the schemes. This will require a new partnership relationship between Council and CWML and investment in the schemes to meet new higher standards.
Civil Defence and Emergency Management
One of the responsibilities of councils is to respond to emergencies alongside the emergency services. This is a role many staff and volunteers fulfil on top of their day job. To ensure we are best placed to do this, we work in partnership with the other councils of Otago. Today Council supported a new partnership agreement between the Councils of Otago which adds greater clarity to roles and responsibilities and enables the councils to continue to share resources and support each other effectively.
Observatory Retirement Village Loan
Council and Waitaki District Health Services (WDHSL) have been the principal investors in the development of the Observatory Retirement Village (ORV). There are many reasons behind this including supporting the provision of more suitable retirement accommodation; freeing up much needed family homes locally; and also providing income to support health services in the district. A few months ago, Council purchased the loan from WDHSL to support them financially and is now the sole funder of ORV. Today Council agreed new loan arrangements that support the continued development of the retirement village whilst also ensuring the rate payer is no worse off. Council also requested that ORV develop a distribution policy and plan setting out how and when funds will be distributed to support health services to residents of the district.
Annual Plan and setting of the rates
today represented the culmination of many months of work to agree the Council’s annual plan and budget. Council along with businesses in the district and our residents are all facing increased costs of goods and services. The Long Term Plan, agreed before the current inflationary pressures, also projected a rate increase of 8.53%, part of this rise being a “catch up” from the zero rate increase two years ago. This context made the development of the annual plan together with budget and rate setting more challenging. Despite the increasing costs being imposed on Council, today an annual plan was agreed that supports investment in the infrastructure of the district and many projects with a rate rise of 7.53%.
Weston Water supply
Council today agreed to upgrade the water supply for homes zoned as residential in the Weston township from “restricted” to “on demand”. This was a proposal within the Council’s Long Term Plan, but for later on in years 6 and 7. The Council’s accelerated investment programme to ensure water services and infrastructure are in the best position if they are transferred, has enabled the improvement to the service to be brought forward.
Forrester Heights
following considerable deliberation on the responses received to the consultation and the legally defined purpose of the land known as Forrester Heights, Council today agreed its intent to seek to sell some or all of the land. This was subject to a variety of conditions including covenants on the site to protect views from the lookout together with planting, reflectivity, predators and access to the Lookout from Test Street. Important in this is that Council is not intent on selling at any price, but only as long as the proposed sale and development delivers a suitable return both financially and in relation to community outcomes.
Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs)
Council today met with its CCOs: Tourism Waitaki, Whitestone Contracting, Omarama Airfield and Waitaki District Health Services Ltd to consider their plans for the year ahead and beyond. This follows Council sending each CCO a Letter of Expectation outlining how it expects each CCO to support delivery of the Council’s aims and target outcomes for the district and its communities.
Climate Change Declaration
Climate Change is impacting all communities and organisations and will further impact us in the future. Whilst Council has been taking some action on climate change, today Council agreed a new declaration on Climate Change that will provide a focus for action on this important issue going forward to reduce our emissions, reduce the risks and take advantage of any opportunities. We will not be able to do it all straight away or on our own. We will need new plans and build it in to existing plans and policies. And we will need to work with our communities, businesses, neighbours and government over a sustained period if we are to be successful.
Trial of new Governance Arrangements
Following some work to review the existing governance arrangements, Council agreed to trial some different governance arrangements over August and September. This is with a view to reducing the overall time spent in meetings and speeding up decision making. In addition, it is intended to ensure the role of Councillor is more open to a wider cross section of the community. As a result, some of the committee meetings will no longer go ahead and Council will meet every two weeks for shorter meetings, to consider business that requires a decision.
Thanks to everyone who has imputed in to the considerable agenda today which spanned the range of Council activities.
- Alex