Storing water
If you receive a restricted supply, you need to have enough tank storage to hold at least three times the daily restricted flow.
Sometimes restricted supplies are shut down for maintenance or as the result of poor water quality at the intake, usually following heavy rain. By having the required tank storage your water supply will not be interrupted while the supply is shut down. If you are on a restricted supply and there has been a lot of rain, please check our conserve water notices.
More information about storage requirements for restricted supplies is available in our Water Supply Bylaw.
Reserve storage requirement for new connections
If you are making a new connection to one of our restricted supplies, you must have reserve storage of one-third of the total volume of the storage in your supply tank (the picture to the right shows what this looks like).
This will ensure you have an ‘early warning’ indication that you have used two-thirds of your storage, providing you with plenty of opportunity to conserve water if the supply has been turned off, or to look for leaks on your plumbing system.