Duntroon improvement works

  • Project scheduleDecember 2021

What we are intending to do

We are planning to partially demolish the old Duntroon public toilets, leaving only the roof, front and side walls such that the roadside artwork is preserved for people to appreciate.

New toilets will be installed on the old pharmacy site with a containment tank and a kerb-side waste suction point for the removal of effluent.

To improve safety on Campbell St (SH83), we plan to:

  • Realign the carriage way over 250m between Livingstone St and Orr Street maximising use of the existing sealed section of the highway.
  • Create a 2.4m wide shoulder for parking on both sides of the road (green area).
  • Increase center carriageway lane widths to 3.5m each and widen the center line.
  • Install limited parking and toilet signs.
  • Place a threshold crossing point for pedestrians at the new toilet.
  • Realign side roads entering the highway and construct a protective barrier curb on the corner of Livingston St.
  • Install a speed hump to calm traffic adjacent to the school in Livingstone Street.


Why should we adopt this approach?

We have heard communities concerns about the dangers of speeding traffic passing through Duntroon and how close vehicles come to cars parked within the shoulder.

To encourage visitors to explore what the village has to offer, by constructing toilets central to businesses and village attractions.

To complete this work, Council has secured $250K from Government (MBIE).

Council can’t affect speed limit changes, but we understand Waka Kotahi may review speed limits in the next three years.

What’s the next step?

Council will submit the attached drawing to Waka Kotahi (NZTA) for approval in early October, at the same time we will begin the process of finalising and submitting our plans for building approval.

We are aiming to tender the work out in November, with construction commencing sometime in December 2021.

Duntroon toilets drawing




Campbell Street, Duntroon 9494  View Map

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