Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Please find the information below on the village's upcoming water supply upgrade.
The Lake Ohau Alpine Village water supply upgrade community survey closed on the 28 January 2019.Thank you for your input. The survey results will feed into and help inform what the detailed design has to cater for.
The survey went really well and will give Council and the Ohau Community Task Force a good steer to what the community would like to see with the proposed upgrade of the Ohau Village water supply. The task force is working with Council to explore further options for what is best for the community and will keep the community updated.
If you have any questions about the upgrade, please email us on
LOAVRRA Water Supply Upgrade Submission 29 July - including Additional Submission 27 Aug(PDF, 4MB)
Individual Property Owners Submission to Council - 5 Sept 2019(PDF, 7MB)
20190519 Ohau Water Supply Upgrade - Further information (Demand)(PDF, 644KB)
Fluent Solutions Ltd Response to Simmons Submission on Lake Ohau Upgrade - Aug 2019(PDF, 509KB)
Presentation to Ratepayers Association(PDF, 356KB)
Consideration of Design - Footnotes Sources-August 2019(PDF, 10MB)
Lake Ohau Alpine Village Water Supply Upgrading- Consideration of Design Options-August 2019(PDF, 2MB)
Ohau Water Supply - Option Evaluation Workshop-July 2019(PDF, 11MB)
Ohau Water Supply - Option 9 Memo-July 2019(PDF, 3MB)
Lake Ohau Alpine Village water supply survey results and comments - April 2019(PDF, 612KB)
WDC - general responses to survey comments-April 2019(PDF, 37KB)
Lake Ohau WS Upgrade Newsletter April 2019(PDF, 2MB)
Lake Ohau water supply upgrade email correspondence Dec 2018 to March 2019(PDF, 167KB)
Design Memo Following Public Meeting-Fluent Solutions Ltd-Jan 2019(PDF, 10MB)
Lake Ohau Upgrade - Frequently Asked Questions-December 2018(PDF, 58KB)
Lake Ohau Upgrade - Fluent Report-August 2018(PDF, 2MB)
Lake Ohau Information Leaflet- December 2018(PDF, 2MB)
Ohau Water Sampling Results-December 2018(PDF, 30KB)