Application Number: 202 and 201.2023.2079
Applicant: Glenbrook Station
Site Location: Glenbrook Station, 2/1857 Twizel-Omarama Road, Twizel. Lot 2 DP 301637 & Section 2 SO 20765
Proposal: To subdivide land into 15 allotments over two stages and to establish residential building platforms on Lots 1 to 14, including earthworks.
The application proposes to subdivide land within the Rural Scenic zone to create fourteen lots of approximately 20 to 30 hectares in area each, with the remainder of the land to be retained by Glenbrook Station. It is also proposed to establish 100m x 100m building platforms (‘Home Blocks’) on each of Lots 1 to 14, with final building plans to be determined by future landowners. Earthworks are proposed to construct access to the new lots and to establish the building platform areas, the total area of earthworks being approximately 136,520m2 and approximate volume of 46,000m3.
The site is located within the Rural Scenic Zone and resource consent is required for a discretionary activity to subdivide land into 15 allotments, and the proposed ‘Home Blocks’ and earthworks will require discretionary activity land use consent.
The application files and the notification report included with the ‘related files’ provide an overview of the proposal.
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that—
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission marked “Glenbrook Station” to or send to Waitaki District Council 20 Thames Street Oamaru. The Waitaki District Council Submission Form is included as related information.
Submissions close on 4 April 2025.
Please serve a copy of your submission to Council and to the Applicant as per the included contact information: