Resource Consent Application - Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited

On display until 01 May 2025, 05:00 PM

Application Number: 201.2024.2373

Applicant: Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited

Site Location: Glenbrook Station, 2/1857 Twizel-Omarama Road, Twizel. Lot 2 DP 301637 & Section 2 SO 20765


The Waitaki District Council has received a resource consent application from Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited to expand various parts of the existing gold mine at Macraes.  The reference number is 201.2024.2373.The application includes

  • Down dip extension of three open pits (Innes Mills, Coronation and Golden Bar) and their associated backfills and Waste Rock Stacks;
  • A second stage of tailings disposal in the Frasers Tailings Storage Facility to support the open pit extensions and current consented mines;
  • A minor realignment of the Golden Bar Road;
  • Rehandling of waste rock from Northern Gully Waste Rock Stack to Golden Point Pit; and
  • Ancillary features such as topsoil stockpiles, low-grade ore stockpiles, silt ponds, areas for pit infrastructure and access roading; and
  • Activities associated with the mitigation, remediation, and offsetting of the effects of the above activities, including amenity effects, water quality and ecological effects management (via the Murphys Ecological Enhancement Area).

Application is also lodged for subsequent variations to relevant existing consents, including LUC 201.2011.35 (MP3); 201.2013.360, 201.2016.779 (Coronation/Coronation North); 201.2022.2047 (Frasers Pit); 07/63, 96/98 (Golden Bar).

Applications have been lodged for the same activities to the Otago Regional Council for discharges to land, water, air and activities in creek beds; and the Dunedin City Council for activities in the North Coronation mine in the Taieri Ridge area.

The application includes an Assessment of Environmental Effects, and 30 supporting reports.  The reports were peer reviewed by the Councils.  There are 3 further appendices with the application with 15 Annexures that respond to questions that arose from peer reviews.

Copies of the application, information and submission forms are available at

Submissions close on 1 May 2025.

Submissions to Waitaki District Council must be submitted to, or delivered to the Council offices at 20 Thames Street, Oamaru or 54 Tiverton Street, Palmerston. A submission must also be served on the applicant