Road Stopping - Cameron Road, Papakaio

On display until 23 August 2024, 05:00 PM

Stopping of portion of Cameron Road, Papakaio

In exercise of the power contained in Section 342(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 1974 and in accordance with the Tenth Schedule of the said Act, public notice is hereby given that the Waitaki District Council being the Local Authority having control of roads in the District of Waitaki, proposes to stop the 1.0389 ha portion of an Un-named road off Cameron Road, Papakaio, shown as Section 1 on S0 586961. 


The above portion of road is unformed and not used for public access. It is superfluous to the Waitaki District Council’s legal and physical roading requirements.  In addition, it is not required for present or future roading purposes.  The road portion is proposed to be sold and amalgamated with land held in Record of Title 374440 by adjoining owners. 


To be consistent with adjoining properties, the road portion, when stopped will be zoned Rural General under the Waitaki District Plan, and its use will be in accordance with the rules of Rural General zoning. 


SO 586961, being the plan of survey showing the portion of road to be stopped, may be inspected at Council’s offices, 20 Thames Street, Oamaru. Detailed enquires should be directed in the first instance to Rachel McNeill, Property Officer (03 433 0300).  Persons wishing to object to this proposed stopping must lodge their objections with the Chief Executive in writing not later than 5:00pm on 23rd August 2024. The postal address is Private Bag 50058, Oamaru 9444. 

Information is also available at Electronic submissions can be made to ‘’. 

Alex Parmley 



Published 12 June 2024

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