Initial Proposal for representation review

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Notice of the Initial Proposal for representation arrangements for 2025 local elections

At the 23 April 2024 Waitaki District Council Meeting, the Council reviewed its representation arrangements, and resolved that the following Initial Proposal apply for the Council and its Community Boards for the elections to be held on 11 October 2025 and future elections until altered by a subsequent decision:

Council Representation

It is proposed that the Council comprise 10 Members elected from four wards, and the Mayor. The four wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:

Ward Communities of interest
Ahuriri Ward Ōhau, Ōmārama, Otematata, Kurow, and Duntroon communities and surrounding rural areas from the western edge and northern tip of the Waitaki district to the boundary between the Canterbury and Otago Regional Councils in the east.
Ōamaru Ward Townships of Ōamaru and Weston and surrounding semi-rural and lifestyle areas.
Corriedale Ward Waitaki Bridge, Ngapara, Enfield, Kakanui, Maheno, and Herbert communities and surrounding rural areas to the boundary between the Canterbury and Otago Regional Councils in the west.
Waihemo Ward Hampden, Moeraki, Dunback, Macraes Flat, Shag Point, and Palmerston communities and the surrounding rural areas.


The population that each member will represent is as follows:

Ward Population Members Population-member ratio Difference from quota % Difference from quota
Ahuriri 2,040 1 2,040 -396 -16.26
Oamaru 14,900 6 2,483 47 1.94
Waihemo 2,500 1 2,500 64 2.63
Corriedale 4,920 2 2,460 24 0.99
Total 24,360 10 2,436   


In accordance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001, the population that each  Member represents must be within the range of 2,436 +/- 10% (2,192 to 2,680),  unless particular community of interest considerations justify otherwise.

Only the representation of the Ahuriri Ward falls outside the stipulated range. The Council considers that the Ahuriri Ward warrants a single member for the following reasons:

  • Ahuriri Ward has previously been recognised by the Local Government Commission as an isolated community in representation reviews since 2007; and
  • That compliance with Section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 would limit effective representation by dividing communities of interest between and within wards; and
  • Ahuriri Ward spans a very large geographical area comprising isolated communities with separate and distinct needs which consequently require a separate Councillor and Community Board to be effectively represented; and
  • Ahuriri Ward’s character as a summer destination where small permanent populations in separate communities of interest are significantly increased by visitors during the holiday season; and
  • Ahuriri Ward’s non-compliance ratio in 2023 of -16.26% is a considerable decrease in over-representation from the -21.95% ratio for that ward in the 2018 Representation Review, and that the Ward’s population growth continues to trend upwards as a result of ongoing tourism and economic development.


Community Board representation

It is proposed that the following two community boards be elected:

Ahuriri Community Board Area covered by the present Ahuriri Ward boundaries
Waihemo Community Board Area covered by the present Waihemo Ward boundaries


Ahuriri and Waihemo Community Boards

The Ahuriri and Waihemo Community Board will each elect five members. They will not be subdivided for electoral purposes. They will each have one appointed member as follows:

Ahuriri Community Board The Ahuriri Ward Councillor
Waihemo Community Board The Waihemo Ward Councillor


Further information

Copies of the Council’s resolution and maps setting out the areas of the proposed wards and communities of interest may be viewed and obtained from Council offices in Oamaru or Palmerston.

Any queries regarding the Council’s decision should be directed initially to our Customer Service Team on (03) 433 0300, or email to

Relevant information is also available on Council’s website

Alex Parmley
Chief Executive
30 July 2024

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