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31 August 2022, 05:00 PM
Notice of removal of minimum parking space requirements from the Operative Waitaki District Plan 2010
In accordance with Policy 11 and clause 3.38 of the National Policy Statement for Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD), The Waitaki District Council has amended the Operative District Plan to remove all objectives, policies, rules or assessment criteria that have the effect of requiring a minimum number of car parks to be provided for any development, land use, or activity.
The parking design standards and minimum loading space requirements in the Operative District Plan are not impacted by the NPS-UD and remain applicable to new development proposals that choose to provide on-site car parking.
As required under Section 55 of the Resource Management Act 1991, these amendments to the Operative District Plan were made without using a Schedule 1 process. Refer to the Community, Culture and Regulatory Committee Meeting agenda documents from April 26 for more details.
The Operative Waitaki District Plan is available on the Council’s website.
If you have any questions, please contact