Public Notice of Proposed Waitaki District Plan

On display until 09 May 2025, 12:00 AM

Pursuant to Clause 5 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Waitaki District Council has prepared, and as of 1 March 2025 gives public notice of, the Proposed Waitaki District Plan. 

The Proposed Waitaki District Plan

The Proposed District Plan is a full review of the entire Operative (or current) District Plan. The District Plan sets the framework for the use, development and management of natural and physical resources throughout the district.


Designations are used to show areas of land that have been designated for a particular purpose, generally public works or utility operations. Council has received requests to modify existing designations and Notices of Requirement to insert new designations. These may apply to your property, and we encourage all residents and ratepayers to check the Proposed District Plan maps to find out if they affect you.

Some proposed rules in the Proposed District Plan have immediate legal effect

Pursuant to sections 86B and 86D of the RMA, certain rules of the Proposed District Plan have immediate legal effect from the date of notification (1 March 2025).

Where to view the Proposed Waitaki District Plan

A copy of the Proposed District Plan may be viewed on the Waitaki District Council website at It can also be viewed in hard copy at any of the following locations during business hours. 

Council Offices:

  • Waitaki District Council Headquarters, 20 Thames Street, Ōamaru
  • Waihemo Service Centre, 54 Tiverton Street (SH 85), Palmerston

Public Libraries:

  • Ōamaru Public Library, 62 Thames Street, Ōamaru
  • Palmerston Library, Waihemo Centre, 54 Tiverton Street (SH 85), Palmerston
  • Hampden Library, Hampden Hall, Main Road, Hampden
  • Kurow Community Library, Waitaki Valley School, Settlement Road, Kurow
  • Otematata Community Library, Lakes Centre, West Road, Otematata
  • Ōmārama Library, Ōmārama School, Main Road, Ōmārama

Council offices are open 8am-5pm Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri and 8am-4pm on Thursdays. Library opening hours vary, please check for details.

Making a submission

The following persons may make a submission on the Proposed District Plan:

The Waitaki District Council may make a submission

Any other person may make a submission but, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the proposal that:

  • Adversely affects the environment; and 
  • Does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

Options for making a submission are:

  • Online:
  • Email: (subject line: Proposed District Plan Submission)
  • Post: Planning Unit, Waitaki District Council, Private Bag 50058, Ōamaru, 9444 
  • In person: You can drop off a completed Form 5 at Council offices in Ōamaru or Palmerston  

Submissions made by email or post must be on a Form 5 and must state whether or not you wish to be heard in support of your submission. The relief you seek in your submission(s) must be clearly set out. 

Copies of Form 5 are available from the Waitaki District Council Offices and public libraries listed above. 

The closing date for submissions on the Proposed Waitaki District Plan is 9 May 2025.

Please note all submissions are public information and will be publicly available.

A Friend of the Submitter will be available to assist and advise you on how to make a submission if you need help. They are an independent advisor that can explain the process of making a submission and how to present your views in a submission. They are neutral and do not support or influence the content of your submission. This is a free service and will be available to everyone in the district. Please email or call 03 434 0537 for more details on how to access this service.

What happens next?

After the closing date for submissions:

Waitaki District Council will prepare a summary of submissions and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where the submissions can be viewed. 

There will be an opportunity for the following persons to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made: 

  • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; 
  • Any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; 

Further submissions must be made, in the prescribed form, within 10 working days of notification of the summary of decisions sought. A copy of the further submission must be served on the Council and the person who made the original submission to which the further submission relates.

The Council will appoint a Hearing Panel to consider the submissions lodged, including further submissions. The Panel will hold public hearings to enable submitters to present their submissions. Submitters may speak in support of their submission at a hearing if they have indicated in their submission that they wish to be heard. 

Following the hearing, the Council must give its decision on the provisions and matters raised in the submissions (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the Proposed District Plan and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time. 

Any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the Proposed District Plan to the Environment Court.

Alex Parmley – Chief Executive
Waitaki District Council

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