All dogs must be registered once they are three months old and dog owners must ensure the ongoing annual registration of their dog/s (as required under section 36 of the Dog Control Act 1996).
How to register a dog
To register your dog, visit our Council offices at 20 Thames Street Oamaru or our service centre at 54 Tiverton Street Palmerston. You can phone the Council's Customer Liaison Team to request information, and for forms to be sent to you. You will need to advise the details below for the register, and to ensure the correct fee is charged. You may be asked:
- At what address your dog was last registered?
- Who the previous owner of your dog was?
- How long have you been the dog's owner? (The above three queries pertain to dogs greater than three months of age)
- What age you are? (Legally you are required to be over the age of 16 before you can register a dog)
In the case of the annual registration of dogs, owners must register their dog on or before 1 July each year. Although an application to register is sent at the beginning of June, the responsibility to register remains with the dog's owner whether or not an application is received.
Dog registration fees
Registration goes from 1 July to 30 June each year. If you get a dog at other times of the year, then you will only pay a registration fee for part of the year.
See our Fees and Charges for more information.
How to pay dog registration fees
You can pay the registration fee by cash, or credit/Eftpos cards at Council offices or pay by internet banking.
The Council has a special category of dog owner called "Selected Owner". Selected owner status is a way of acknowledging and rewarding responsible dog owners. If you qualify as a selected owner, you pay a significantly reduced registration fee (refer to our Fees and Charges). For more information please go to select owner status page.