Land Information Memorandum (LIM)
If you are planning to buy or sell a property you can request a LIM to find out information Waitaki District Council has on file for that property.
To find rating information for a property you can search our online property database for rating information.
What is a LIM?
A Land Information Memorandum or LIM is a comprehensive report of the relevant and most important information that council holds on a property including:
Anyone can apply for a LIM for any property within the Waitaki District.
It does not provide interpretation of this information or advice on how to interpret or utilise this information. Your own independent and appropriate professional advice should be sought.
We are required by law to issue your LIM within 10 working days of request. However, if an application is received after 2pm, the clock starts on the following business day.
How to apply for a LIM
Main office - 20 Thames Street, Oamaru
Waihemo Service Centre – 54 Tiverton Street, Palmerston
How much does a LIM cost?
It depends on what the LIM is for and how quickly you need it. We have different categories:
Payment must be submitted with the application. Council reserves the right to make an additional charge where search requirements are unusually complex or extensive.
We will email you a link to the digital copy of your LIM. This link will expire 28 days from the issue date. Should you wish for a hardcopy to be posted, printing charges will apply.
Can I cancel a LIM after I've ordered it?
You can cancel a standard LIM for a full refund within 24 hours of lodging it. No cancellations will be accepted after that. If an urgent LIM is cancelled within 24 hours of lodgement, charges may apply for any work undertaken.