Forrester Gallery and Waitaki Museum

Activity Basis for charge 2024/25 charges (incl GST)
Community Gallery Space available to local residents per exhibition 200.00
Outside Council region per week 220.00
Design, production of labels, Didactics, handouts and posters Up to ten items Now part of community gallery hire
More than 12 labels and/or handouts and A3 Didactics Now part of community gallery hire
Catalogue design and production costs Negotiated on a case-by-case basis
Publishing fee One-off charge per publication 60.00
Digital image Per image 10.00
Commission On sales of artwork (excluding regular local user groups) 30%
Research Students No Fee
Waitaki District residents - suggested donation. First 15 mins free, then hourly research fee applies unless it relates to an item gifted to the collection by the researcher in which case the information is free. 5.00
Non-residents - suggested donation. First 15 mins free, then hourly research fee applies unless it relates to an item gifted to the collection by the researcher in which case the information is free. 10.00
Research on behalf of businesses, council or individuals - per hour 50.00