Water and Wastewater

Water and Meter rates

Abbreviations: CRU - Connected Rating Unit  m3 - Cubic Metre

*These figures are current at 1 July 2024. Council reserves the right to revise any of the fees and charges at any time, including the right to add further fees and charges to cover actual and reasonable costs as Council sees fit.

For more information please visit Water and Wastewater page.


Zone Water rates (per CRU) Meter Rate (per m3) Meter Rate Credit (m3)
Kurow $902.00 $0.70 1288
Oamaru - Oamaru supply
$409.00 - -
Oamaru - Oamaru Reticulation $367.00 - -
Omarama $948.00 $1.27 746
$852.00 $0.70 1217
Waihemo $1061.00 $1.57 675


Zone Unit Size (m3/day)  Water rates (per CRU)
Bushy Creek (closed to new applications) 1.8 $248.00
Duntroon 1.8 $1168.00
Lake Ohau 0.6  $472.00
Lower Waitaki 1.8  $754.00
Oamaru - including Kakanui, Weston/Enfield, Herbert,/Waianakarua & Hampden/Moeraki Zones 1.8 $886.00
Oamaru - Hampden/Moeraki Domestic Unit 0.9  $692.00
Oamaru - Kakanui Crib (closed to new applications) 0.9 $692.00
Stoneburn 1.0 $719.00
Waihemo - including Palmerston, Dunback and Goodwood Zones 1.8 $1061.00
Waihemo - including Palmerston, Dunback and Goodwood Zones 0.9 $530.50
Oamaru - Maheno (full unit) 1.8 $886.00
Oamaru - Maheno (half unit) 0.9 $443.00

Supplies managed by Corriedale Water Management Ltd.

Zone Water rates (per CRU)
Awamoko $687.00
Kauru Hill $557.00
Tokarahi $540.00
Windsor $462.00

Water Connections

Fees and charges applicable at the time of application may include:

  • The application processing fee
  • Officer time taken in the processing, liaison, research and determination of the application

Charges applicable at the time of connection may include :

  • Payment to the Council for the cost of the physical works, including administration and management of those works (or any set fee to cover such costs, as are required to provide the connection)
  • A development contribution charge determined in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002
  • A financial contribution charge determined in accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991
  • Officer time for processing, liaison, research, design and design review, coordination, supervision and record-taking associated with the connection.

Connections - On-demand

Activity 2024/25 charges(incl GST)
Standard Connection 20 mm $3795.00
Standard Connection 20 mm with meter $3995.00
Disconnection fee Cost as quoted
Water meter installation (including scheduled contractor charge) Actual cost

Connections - Restricted

Activity Basis for charge 2024/25 charges(incl GST)
Restrictor change (physical costs)   $490.00
Quoted works for connection   Quoted

Wastewater rates

Zone Sewage rates (per pan, incl GST)
Duntroon - Closed to new applications 317.00
Kurow 384.00
Lake Ohau 334.00
Moeraki - if paying availability rate 50% off DC applies 1326.00
Oamaru - includes Kakanui and Weston 299.00
Omarama 493.00
Otematata 324.00
Palmerston 668.00

Wastewater connections

*Urban (town)

Activity 2024/25 charges (incl GST)
Standard new 110mm connection $860
New 150mm connections Cost as quoted
Disconnection Cost as quoted

Trade Waste

Activity Basis for charge 2024/25 charges (incl GST)
Annual minimum charge
Collection Per litre/second $2,960.00
Treatment Per kg BOD per day $230.00
Monitoring Per year $2,550.00
Tankered Trade Waste Per year (for each access key) $10,880.00

Engineering costs

Activity 2024/25 charges(incl GST)
Engineer hourly $120.00
Senior Engineer hourly charge $180.00

Other fees and charges

Activity 2024/25 charges(incl GST)
Administration hourly charge $80.00
Bulk Water per m3 $5.00
Water Supply system inspection (including scheduled contractor charge) Actual cost 
Backflow prevention device installation, and maintenance (including scheduled contractor charge) Actual cost
Backflow preventor Inspection / Testing $280.00
Remedying damage or reinstating water supply system following a breach of the Waitaki District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014 Actual cost

Development Contribution - Water supply

  • HEU - Household Equivalent Unit; CRU - Connected rating unit
  • Development Contributions, as specified in the 2018/2028 LTP. Rating levies, as specified in the 2021/2022 annual Plan.
  • Rates include GST.


Zone DC charge (per HEU)
Kurow $2408.10
Oamaru (including Oamaru supply and Oamaru Reticulation) $7263.40
Omarama $8485.80
Otematata $8353.60
Waihemo $3944.50


Zone  Unit Size (m3/day) DC charge (per UNIT of water/day)
Bushy Creek ( closed to new application)  1.8 Closed for new applications
Duntroon 1.8 561.00
Lake Ohau - if paying availability rate ($182.00), 50% off DC applies 0.6 18,874.30
Lower Waitaki 1.8 4,790
Oamaru ( including Kakanui, Weston/Enfield. Herbert/Waianakarua & Hampden/Moeraki Zones) 1.8 7,263.40
Oamaru - Hampden/Moeraki Domestic Unit 0.9 3,631.70
Oamaru - Kakanui Crib (closed to new applications) 0.9 Closed for application
Stoneburn 1.0 7,771.70
Waihemo - including Palmerston, Dunback & Goodwood Zones 1.8 3,944.50
Waihemo - including Palmerston, Dunback & Goodwood Zones 0.9 1972.20
Oamaru - Maheno (full unit) 1.8 7263.40
Oamaru - Maheno (half unit) 0.9 3631.70

Supplies managed by Corriedale Water Management Ltd.

Zone DC charge (per UNIT of water/day)
Awamoko 7,791.50
Kauru hill 10,451.40
Tokarahi 6,230.70
Windsor 8,377.30

Development Contribution - Wastewater

Zone DC charge (per HEU, incl GST)
Duntroon - Closed to new applications -
Kurow $414.00
Lake Ohau NIL
Moeraki - if paying availability rate 50% off DC applies $9,264.40
Oamaru - includes Kakanui and Weston $2,775.00
Omarama $6,591.80
Otematata $1,301.80
Palmerston $3,067.00