Alcohol ban areas
It is an offence to consume or carry opened alcohol in an alcohol ban area. This does not apply to:
- Private property in the alcohol ban area.
- Alcohol being carried in un-opened containers from an off-license and/or a supermarket.
- Alcohol being carried in un-opened containers through the alcohol ban area.
- To areas and private property outside the alcohol ban area.
Where do these rules come from?
The rules for this enforcement are outlined in the Waitaki Alcohol Ban Bylaw 2018.(PDF, 2MB)
The purpose of the bylaw is to protect the community and improve safety. The Police have powers to enforce the bylaw, which include powers of arrest and search.
Any breach of the Waitaki Alcohol Ban Bylaw 2018(PDF, 2MB) is an offence under the Local Government Act 2002. Any person who breaches the bylaw may be liable on summary conviction to a fine.
Alcohol ban areas
There are currently three areas in the District that have enforced alcohol bans. All prohibited areas are shown as shaded in red on maps.
Temporary Labour weekend Alcohol Ban – Otematata
An alcohol ban will be in force in Otematata on Labour Day Weekend from 5pm on the Friday until 12am the following Tuesday.
The alcohol ban area shown on the map below extends from the north side of Wildlife campground along both sides of, and including, Loch Laird Road to Loch Laird, including Loch Laird peninsula and the upper terrace of the Loch Laird campground but excluding the lower terrace Loch Laird camping area.

The alcohol ban in this notice was made by Council resolution in accordance with Council’s Liquor Ban Bylaw.
The alcohol ban hours for Omarama are from Labour Day weekend (Fourth Monday of October) until King's Birthday weekend (First Monday of June).
The alcohol ban area shown on the map covers the township of Omarama within the 100km speed limit signs.

Oamaru has a alcohol ban that covers most of the business district 24 hours a day, seven days a week.